Friday, February 11, 2005

My Man Tony

Tony Kornheiser had an article the other day in the Washington Post about my Nationals (yes, be afraid, I am embracing them). Tony was alledging that no one in DC could name 10 players on the Nats roster. Not entirely true, of course, since I could name 10 easily (5 in the starting rotation, 2 new free agents, 1 big trade, 3 stars who were there before, plus 2 other outfielders that were trade fodder - 13?) but whatever. Dudes on the street won't know of course, but that's not my point.

It doesn't matter if we know their names yet. We're going to love them anyways.

Here's a big number - the average attendance at an Expos Game last year (2004) was a little over 9k per game. In 2003 it was almost 13k per game. The Natioanls sold 18k full season ticket plans already, and the partial packages start sales now, plus, single game tickets don't go on sale until March.

Let's reiterate this - The Nationals 2005 attendence will be, at the very least, roughly DOUBLE what they experienced last year, and roughly, at least, 33% higher than 2003.

We'll learn their names, Tony. Check with the random dude on the street in June.

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