Thursday, April 07, 2005

Nationals Pride

OK, I know, I had a post with this title before.

The reason I bring this up again is that the site is done! Yes, ladies and gents, you can go to Nationals Pride and check out content all about your Washington Nationals. I know, most of you are fans of other teams, but do me the favor - go to the site, click some links, read some content, post in the message board. Tell me how bad my picture looks, even. It's updated every day, and I'll be adding my baseball blog thoughts there, not here, so look for this to make a more political turn... well, maybe not, but at least it would be less Baseball.

So what are you waiting for? Click it! Nationals

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Josh told me about your Nats website. From there I got here.

Suggestion: The front page for should contain a "Top Ten Tips" List. One of those tips should be "Bring plenty of cash or plenty of snacks...there are no ATMs at RFK"